On August 30th Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, began its annual four-month back up motion in the heavens.   This mammoth planet known to astrologers as the King of the Gods, the planet of expansion, optimism and good fortune now bids us to contemplate a course correction.  As I mentioned in my recent posting regarding Mercury’s retrograde, when planets enter a retrograde phase,it’s a signal to us to go inside and quiet down to contemplate, re-evaluate what the energy and chart placement means to our evolutionary agenda.  This retrograde is in Taurus, so we are directed to consider earthly things such as security and priorities.  What is really important to us for our well being?  With Jupiter, where have we been over enthusiastic, over optimistic regarding these issues?  

Thus, because Jupiter is all about faith and optimism, we can become easily deluded and tricked in the face of reality— if we aren’t careful.  Jupiter in our charts reflects the necessity of walking a fine line of balance between having faith in ourselves and optimism in our dreams against reality.  When we lose our balance within this framework we can be easily opened up to the shock of disappointment and discouragement.  Jupiter’s retrograde highlights which old beliefs and self-imposed benchmarks  are no longer useful,  may be dragging us down; in other words, they need to be jettisoned.  This lesson can be and  often is,  disheartening.  We are ready to throw in the towel when it feels like the wheels are coming off…but there is help on the way!  

Dr. Bach’s flower remedy Gentian, is there to help us when we lose our Jupiter balance.  As one of Bach’s original ‘Twelve Healers’, the negative Gentian mood state  is all about discouragement, self-doubt and perseverance.  According to Dr. Bach the purpose of the Gentian remedy is to lead us to an:  understanding that there is no failure when you are doing your utmost, whatever the apparent result’.  

This understanding helps us realize that that steady perseverance is essential to overcoming self-doubt.  A vital key to our own soul evolution is to remember that cosmic law dictates trusting the perfect timing of the universe; that the universe provides us with whatever we  need for our expansion and growth. When we find change and challenge difficult, Gentian helps us to understand the value of, and engage in, perseverance in the face of adversity and disappointment.  

In case you are wondering…in my own birth chart I have Jupiter in my first house of ‘self’ and it is also my chart ruler… which is why I have Gentian in the large economy size on my desk! 


 Gentian Photography courtesy of the Dr. Edward Bach Center