From Gaye Mack
Igniting Soul Fire: Spiritual Dimensions of the Bach Flower RemediesPolair Publishing, London

Since Edward Bach died in 1936 his discovery of the vibrational healing properties found in quintessential plants-the famous Bach Flower Remedies-has grown from a tiny cottage industry to one of the best-known alternative medicine systems in the world. But Dr Bach’s system of healing is more wide-ranging than nearly every user of his remedies recognised in his time. Dr Bach was a true mystic and healer and his system was not simply one of healing for the individual but healing for the world.
Praise for Igniting Soul Fire: Spiritual Dimensions of the Bach Flower Essences

Gaye Mack
Author & Evolutionary Astrologer
Writer, educator and practitioner in the arena of mind/body/spirit philosophy for nearly 30 years, Gaye Mack has been a life-long student in the study of, Astrology, the "sacred science".
She holds a Master of Arts degree from DePaul University, Chicago and was one of the first in the US to be placed on the Dr Edward Bach Foundation’s International Register of Bach Flower Remedy Practitioners, based in England. For several years she has been in a formal apprenticeship to Steven Forrest—one of the top Evolutionary Astrologers of our time.
As a published author in the Mind/Body/Spirit arena, Gaye is an international traveler with clients in all parts of the world, but calls the Chicagoland area home.
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