New interview with Janine Ophiem

Gaye Mack

Evolutionary Astrology

Your Soul’s Map of Opportunities and Life Purpose
Discover how you can TRANSFORM yourself into your AUTHENTIC-SELF with an astrological reading.

Get a Reading

A Natal Chart Reading from me will reveal …

  • Your soul’s intended evolutionary path
  • Who you are and why you are
  • The emotional karma carried forward preventing you from manifesting your highest purpose
  • How you can heal and transform the power of these karmic lessons into your unique self-expression

As an Evolutionary Astrologer and Author … My Story

Going back to my undergraduate days, I’ve been studying this fascinating ‘sacred science’ in various formats for more years than I care to remember, including a brief stint with the London Faculty of Astrological Studies.

With a Master of Arts degree from DePaul University, Chicago, I’ve been working, teaching and writing as a published author in the Mind/Body/Spirit arena for nearly 30 years. In 1997, after three years of study in Dr Edward Bach’s famous 38 Flower Remedies, I was among the first group in the United States to earn a place on the Bach Foundation’s International Register of Practitioners based in England. While I no longer practice as a Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner, you’ll see from my latest book, Edward Bach and your Evolutionary Purpose, his work is always with me with a look through the evolutionary lens of astrology.

In 2009 I returned to my love of astrology and entered into an on-going, formal apprenticeship to Steven Forrest—one of the top Evolutionary Astrologers of our time.

Through an Evolutionary Astrology reading, I can help you discover who you are meant to be, rather than the person you believe you are.

Although I’m based in the Chicago area, my astrology clients are global:

I have just re-listened to your previous reading and want to thank you again for the heart-felt way in which you do this work.

J. V-Z

Bern, Switzerland

I can attest how gifted you are…my life is better for having your readings help me see myself more clearly…I am proof you can change/better lives.

A. B


I listened to the recording last night and am so moved by it. Your insight is remarkable. I’ve never had a chart reading that approaches this kind of sophistication and eloquence – both rooted in such clarity. And heart, too. Your heart is very evident from this reading. Thank you.

L. C

New York

Thanks a million stars for the readings…when I got to the part where you mention rebirth I had tears down my face…my chance to be independent and grow and lots of opportunities for little holidays to Melbourne. You are my astrologer of choice Gaye Mack…you are opening up the world for me wide open.

S. H

Adelaide, Australia

What you do is such a wonderful thing; I can’t express how much this reading has helped me understand who I am.

K. B


I wanted to write you and let you know that because of what you said…I IMMEDIATELY felt more in tune with myself. … thank you for guiding me back to a path that I believe was and is very important for me.

R. D


No matter where you live, I would love to work with you in helping you discover your evolutionary purpose.

My Latest Book

Edward Bach and your Evolutionary Purpose

from Polair Publishing, London

Coming Fall 2021. See what experts are saying…

Learn MorePre-Purchase

Your Natal Chart Reading

To book a reading with me, you’ll need your date, time and location of your birth, from your birth certificate. For example: September 27, 1980, at 8:25 a.m., Chicago.

Our work is strictly confidential, as is the fact you are my client.

Your full, non-refundable payment will confirm a place on my calendar. Typically, I’m booked six weeks to two months out.

Once I receive your payment, I’ll email you the date as to when you can expect the graphic of your chart and the MP3 audio file of your reading which typically lasts 80 to 90 minutes.

The benefit to receiving this reading in an MP3 audio file is that it allows you, at your own pace, to absorb your chart’s extensive information about your strengths and challenges on your path of soul-growth.

Here is a sample chart and a clip from a reading.

What will you learn?

Evolutionary Astrology is psychological in nature, showing us our Soul’s map of how we can evolve. As a blueprint of evolutionary intent, our chart helps us appreciate who we are and our Soul’s emotional condition as we incarnated into this life. With this astrological view, we have the opportunity to understand the past and how it has influenced us in the present. BUT, more importantly, it helps us choose how to move forward.

Through the evolutionary lens of your chart, we acknowledge that ‘something’ went amiss in a prior life, a piece of unresolved, emotional karma, critical to your Soul’s growth —a ‘something’ which caught you out. Through this deep dive into your chart, we can see that you’ve come far enough wherein the ‘karma’ has ‘ripened’. This means you’re ready to deal with whatever the behavior, attitude or responses were to past circumstances that hung you up…and interestingly have reappeared, although differently, giving you the power of choice to ‘change the channel’.

Everything in the chart has meaning and is linked to this story ‘in you’, so there are no accidents. I discuss how these themes relate to your present innate strengths and challenges with the intention of supporting you as you make informed decisions going forward. With 1,400 variables in a chart just on the surface, there is no ‘cookbook’ method in this work as every chart is as unique as your fingerprint.

Ready to Take the Next Step in Your Personal Evolution?

Your non-refundable, pre-payment of $180 via PayPal will put you on my list of upcoming readings. ($185 for foreign transactions)

As a reminder, once payment is received, I’ll contact you via email with a confirmed date as to when you can expect your reading. There’s nothing further for you to do until you receive your chart and recording. Then, of course, is when you can begin to ‘change the channel’ and move forward!

Outside the US? Click Here

For clients wishing to see their ‘astro-weather report’ of what’s ahead based on their Natal Chart reading, I also offer ‘Progressed-Secondary/Transit’ readings.
A Natal Chart reading from me is a prerequisite for these additional readings.

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