Pluto always seems to get a bad rap and that’s before its status as a bonafide planet was brought into question. Over the years I’ve heard the following phrases to describe a Pluto transit through a chart: “the cosmic 2×4” or “the cosmic enema”…either way, the message reads “if you don’t clean it (whatever ‘it’ is) up, Pluto will do it for you; Pluto takes no prisoners.” On Friday, Pluto halted it’s retrograde motion that began back in April. Now stationing for a bit before it moves forward, Pluto’s energy will be intense and direct, making sure we get its message.
The energy of this planet is all about truth, power and transformation…urging us to dive down into the depths of the innermost ‘knowing’ of ourselves. It’s an opportunity to become students in learning the art of discernment, what is real? What is fantasy? Where have we been deluding ourselves? As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, when a planet shifts into retrograde motion (‘appearing’ to move backwards in the sky), we’re encouraged to go inward, to evaluate how the particular planet’s energy is playing out in our chart and in our lives…where do we need to make adjustments? This message is particularly true of Pluto…learning the art of course correction for our greatest good, our destiny.
Currently, Pluto is in Capricorn, the sign that wants to be effective through practicality, self-sufficiency, stability. Whichever house Pluto is currently poised in your chart will give you clues about your particular task. Sixth house? Could be your daily work, health, skill set; ninth house? Might be education, your philosophy or your over-optimism that needs a reality check!
If we haven’t plugged in, Pluto will make sure we do. Unfortunately (or fortunately) this usually comes in the form of an outward, material manifestation that reflects the significance of blowing Pluto’s message off. While this is often tough going when we’re ‘in it’, down the road we can come to realize that the experience was a life saver.