Although I’ll be blogging in the next few days on Sunday’s forthcoming solar eclipse, I just couldn’t help myself from posting this wonderful info- graphic, “How a Book is Born,” which appeared on my Facebook page yesterday courtesy of publishing house Weldon Owen. For those of you in the ‘writing to be published boat’ with me, you’ll smile and nod in agreement, I’m sure. For those who wonder what’s taking so long for your aunt’s, sibling’s, friend’s, et al, book to find its way to the shelves at Barnes & Noble(e-books not included here), this graphic says it all and should clear up any confusion! While I note that those hard working literary agent/managers somehow were excluded from the flow(another major step), nevertheless, I’d love to use it as my Christmas card for those not following this blog and yet wonder, ‘what’s the problem?” Enjoy and laugh–no doubt this graphic has already gone viral in certain circles!!