At the end of November I blogged about the transiting effects of Pisces‘ planetary ruler Neptune and the benefits of using Dr. Bach’s Clematis to help dispel the predictable fog. I have to say, that post was just a morsel; a preview of what was coming down the pipeline for all of us. Now the Tsunami of Neptune’s energy is here; on February 19th, the Sun moved into Pisces joining Mercury, Mars and Neptune! And as if this lineup weren’t enough, by the end of February Venus will have also moved into Pisces’ watery world.
The good news is that Venus, Mercury and Mars are fairly fast moving planets. So, aside from the fact that Mercury is now retrograde until March 17th, by mid April much of the fog will have cleared as these speedy planets and the Sun, will have moved on. However, Neptune will stay in Pisces for some time; we need this time to assimilate Neptune’s messages (and teachings) which are core to the success of our journey into the frontiers of the bigger picture in our evolution. As I’ve said before, deciphering such messages very much depends on where the transits hit your individual birth chart, but make no mistake– there are no mistakes here, for such events are never by ‘accident’ and always have cosmic intent. Nevertheless, what to do in the meantime? What can we use to help us navigate the deep waters of emotion in a material world? What can help us understand how each of these planets relate to our own evolution? Fortunately, we can call upon Dr. Bach’s Clematis, one of his original Twelve Healers and a ‘soul type’ as I wrote in Igniting Soul Fire, Spiritual Dimensions of the Bach Flower Remedies.
This all said, I’ve re-posted an ‘edited’ portion of November’s blog as the Piscean/Neptunian energy is so important to our evolutionary growth as is the healing energy of Clematis to help us along our journey.
From an evolutional perspective, there are no accidents in a chart. Everyone’s chart is uniquely orchestrated for optimum soul growth opportunities. When a planet’s orbit ‘hits’ a sensitive point in our natal chart, such as the birth position of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant (i.e., the sign on the horizon the moment of your birth), as well as other important points, this is called a ‘transit’. Transits can be very important because the energy they carry comes with a personal agenda for us. Whether or not we take advantage of these perfectly ‘timed’ events is another matter; we can respond positively or negatively, the choice is ours. This said, for the sake of space here, I want to zoom out to Neptune and talk about what it feels like when its orbit hits a sensitive chart point.
A significant Neptune transit typically throws us into a landscape of fog and sand. At the deepest levels Neptune stands at the edge of consciousness…it’s the planet of self-transcendence. Known as the dissolver, its energy confuses the mind. Intentions become fuzzy, goals evaporate; you can’t see the way forward. Relationships dissolve or change in ways you could never have imagined. These are just a few of the effects of Neptune’s transit. Many years ago before I was leaving for a trip to India, I met someone who said to me, “India. You’ll either hate it or love it…either way you’ll never be the same.” This is how I look at Neptune’s transit through Pisces (now joined by the Sun, Mercury, Mars and soon, Venus) . Because we can’t figure it, (whatever ‘it’ is), out…we can find the experience frustrating, annoying, angering, depleting. The mental air signs of Aquarius and Gemini have a terrible time with this transit as do the ‘get things done’ signs of Aries and Capricorn. Where’s the map, where’s my compass? Forget it, you don’t have one.
The best way to navigate a Neptune transit (which can last a couple of years depending on retrogrades) is to understand there is ‘no time’. You can’t articulate specifics but you sure can feel them. The good news is that if you quiet down, go within you can perceive other dimensions for which there is no language but the experience is there; sit with it. The information is valuable and it’s there if we can just listen. For these reasons, understandably the ‘Mystic’ is the archetype of Neptune. Clematis’ vibration helps us to stay focused and grounded, but not in such a way that access to the higher realms is prohibited. As with all of the remedies, it’s about ‘balance’. In general flower remedies can be very helpful in sharpening the images of our dreams, helping us to remember them in our waking state.
Photography ©Dr. Edward Bach Foundation
Further Reading:
Igniting Soul Fire~Spiritual Dimensions of the Bach Flower Remedies-Gaye Mack
The Inner Sky-Steven Forrest
Planets in Transit-Robert Hand
The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption-Liz Greene
“Navigating through the Neptune Fog”-Kathy Rose
(Article: April/May 2010 The Mountain Astrologer)
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