Lynn Macwhinnie
I just received this wonderful endorsement from Lynn Macwhinnie, MSc, Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner and International Trainer and Mentor. As a former Bach Practitioner and current Evolutionary Astrologer, I’m honored by her support of my work.
I was excited to read the latest book by Gaye Mack, Edward Bach and Your Evolutionary Purpose.
While Dr. Bach’s flower remedy system is simple, he also saw that the role of the Bach practitioner required an understanding of human nature. Which is where things can become complicated. In adhering to the simplicity and the integrity of Dr. Bach’s philosophy, we can not know what we already know or remain incurious to learning new insights into the complexity of being human. In Gaye Mack’s new book (which is updated from her first book 17 years ago) she offers the paradigm of fresh perspectives, which may also challenge preconceptions.
Gaye, a former trainer for NelsonBach USA (we’ve stayed in touch ever since she was trained), decided to change her career direction and devote herself to the study of Evolutionary Astrology (she has a thriving practice) and the chakras. The core premise of her book is how to discover our evolutionary purpose through an awareness of imbalanced emotions, whether through the lens of Bach Flowers and Dr. Bach’s philosophy, the psychological lens of Evolutionary Astrology, or imbalances in the energy of the chakras. Gaye’s considerable intellect shines through in her ability to weave the respective systems into a very readable and thought-provoking book.
She positions the Bach system within the 12-7-19 framework that Julian Barnard advocates. It is not a distinction that the Bach Centre or its trainers follow, adhering instead to the simplicity of the 38 flower remedies as determined by Dr. Bach in his final work (he destroyed most of his earlier papers on a garden bonfire). His limited remaining notes and published writings, which do not expand on his earlier considerations of astrology or a hierarchical system, are possibly indicative of his wish that his simple system should remain so.
However, when there is someone with expertise in a subject who is able to throw light on human nature from another context, that, I feel, merits exploration. I appreciated the ideas offered and the opportunity to reflect and test my traditional Bach approach and how this book could help its readers further self-knowledge. It is not a list of Bach flowers assigned to the zodiac or chakras, it is a demonstration of the author’s years of experience at understanding the emotional and karmic elements that are revealed in astrological charts and chakras while recognizing emotive issues that Bach Flowers could help to heal.
As someone immersed in the Bach Flowers for decades, I can’t imagine I’m alone in believing that it is far better for people to benefit from Dr. Bach’s legacy rather than close any door that prevents them from enriching their understanding. Gaye Mack’s book is definitely a welcome companion for further self-discovery.
Lynn is the author of, Emotional Wisdom with Bach Flower Remedies, which you can find on her website: www.lynnmacwhinnie.com, and is the administrator for the FB page, Bach Flower Remedies Worked for Me.
Check her out! And get a copy of my new book on Amazon, or learn a little more about it here.