If you’ve been feeling as if you’re being pulled through a keyhole backwards, it’s quite possible that old devil, Saturn, has been moving by ‘transit‘ through the twelfth house of your birth chart, across your ascendant(the eastern horizon of your chart) and whoosh, bam…you’ve just come through the rebirth canal into first house of self.
Poor Saturn. Ancient and traditional astrologers assign unflattering descriptions of his impact on a chart such as restriction, lessons to be learned, tiresome practicality, excruciating patience and let’s not forget, the wet blanket in any situation…definitely not someone jovial Jupiter wants to sidle up to at a party.
Naturally because it’s astrology, there’s never one ‘simple’ consideration. How moving Saturn impacts a chart depends on several variables including transiting sign and mathematical relationships to a chart’s other ‘sensitive’ points besides the ascendant. However, through the evolutionary lens, when Saturn’s on the move through the final frontier of our twelfth house, across our ascendant into the first house, he’s the driving force pushing us toward our highest potential.
In December Saturn temporarily finished its two year tour through, as Steven Forrest calls it, ‘the spooky sign of Scorpio,’ entering the expansive sign of Sagittarius. Scorpio’s nature among other things, brings our unconscious to the surface, forcing us to look at those things that have been safely buried in the watery depths– usually things we’d rather not face.
Saturn in Scorpio makes us do what we don’t want to do…urging us to clean out the closet. For those where this process is happening in their twelfth house, the landscape is vast. While traditionally, this sector or circumstance of life is that of the mystic, the house of hidden things, a monastic life, it’s also our unconscious, the dungeon, –and the house of endings. Quite simply: the old you is no longer the person your Soul has mapped for this lifetime.
But here’s the catch.–in order to move on, WE have to let go …relationships, perspectives, jobs, dreams…the list can be endless, making us feel as if we’re standing naked in the eye of the Universe. However, the Universe is also ‘elegant’ as Forrest tells us. Now that Saturn’s in Sagittarius, while perhaps it hasn’t finished moving through one’s twelfth house quite yet, if we’ve done our clean-out work, we’re afforded the benefit of fresh perspectives, even new dreams, if we CHOOSE to use this opportunity, as choice is always astrology’s intent.
What if we haven’t done such a great job of cleaning out? The Universe recognizes that sometimes we’re asleep and things slip by us. Not to worry…in June that ‘Old Devil’ Saturn turns retrograde, backing up into Scorpio for a brief last pass before it finally moves on for the next two years in Sagittarius. Have you swept out all the corners? Have you looked hard at those things you’d rather not? Have you let go?
Don’t let your life pass you by.
If You’re Interested in an Evolutionary Chart Reading- click here
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