There’s a lot going on in the heavens these days.  In case you’ve been wondering why you’re feeling unsettled, there’s good reason.  We’re just winding up the strong energy from last week’s full moon in Taurus urging us to rethink how we think about possessions, how we want to spend our energy, coupled with feelings that come with the realization that change is a constant fact of life.  And, if this full moon weren’t enough, the on-going square between Pluto and Uranus creeping to its first exact hit in June (which I wrote about in the last post), is cranking up the heat and rattling cages for everyone.

There’s no rest for the weary as the saying goes and the solar eclipse in Sagittarius on November 24-25th, puts an exclamation point on this expression.  Although not universal across the board, a great many astrologers regard eclipses as significant events that vary in impact depending on the details involved…this eclipse in the fire sign of Sagittarius will be particularly action packed.

 Sagittarius the archer, reaches for the heavens, always wanting to know answers to cosmic questions…why are we here, what is our purpose, where should we be going?  As the ruling sign of the ninth house in the zodiac, Sag is all about expansion and exploration.  Venus and Mercury, heart and mind, join the Sun and Moon for this eclipse.  Their presence adds another layer to this picture, pushing us on our evolutionary path to open our hearts and minds expansively in the recognition that there’s more out there than the awareness of our immediate world…that we are interconnected in the collective through divine wisdom.

 While this all may sound exciting, it can create anxiety in us as well.  One of the essential things to remember with the flower remedies is that each is capable of numerous dimensional applications .  This said, Dr. Bach also maintained there was an added exclusive dimension to be understood in each of his original Twelve Healers of which Agrimony is one.  In addition to their positive action in balancing situational emotions or those with which we have a history, each carries a soul lesson.  Astrologers who are also Bach Practitioners like myself, pair each of Bach’s Twelve Healers with one of the twelve astrological signs.  While Dr. Bach studied astrology, he never identified the exact pairings to my knowledge.  Nevertheless, there seems to be common agreement to these pairings; Sagittarius and Agrimony are typically paired…the question is why?    

 In his book, Free Thyself, Bach identifies the soul lesson of the Agrimony type as traveling a path that moves from Restlessness to Peace.  Sagittarius with all of its fire is ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system.  Jupiter in its expansive energy and unbridled enthusiasm can create restlessness within us, especially if it or Sagittarius is significant in our birth chart or by transit, for example during a new moon eclipse in Sagittarius!

So, if you are beginning to feel particularly restless, unsettled or experiencing the kind of anxiety that can come with restlessness  as the energy of this eclipse builds over the next ten days, consider adding Agrimony to your healing tool kit!



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