by gayemack | May 27, 2014 | Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
The field of astrology has grown tremendously over the years, slowly reclaiming the respect it had with the ancients. Practiced and followed authentically, areas of specializations in this field especially Evolutionary Astrology, can be used as helpful tools to...
by gayemack | Oct 10, 2013 | Writer's Work and History's Mysteries
Sadly five weeks ago I bid farewell to my Cathar adventure in France’s Languedoc/L’Occitaine region, returning back to Oxford for another week before flying home to Chicago. My visits to the UK are always crammed full of seeing friends, extended family...
by gayemack | Aug 9, 2013 | Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
A deviation from my usual blog topics, I happened to come across the following posting from Huffington about Bronnie Ware, an Australian palliative nurse who turned her journal notating the most common regrets of her dying patients into a book- The Top Five Regrets of...
by gayemack | Nov 23, 2011 | Edward Bach Flower Remedies, Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
As I wrote in one of my previous postings, the on-going square between Pluto and Uranus is such a big deal that I’d be revisiting these two planets from time to time, particularly to look at how the energies of these heavenly bodies can and do interact with the...