by gayemack | Sep 16, 2014 | Writer's Work and History's Mysteries
Like a bad cough you can’t get rid of in the winter, discouragement and perseverance are part of the package for any aspiring writer who dreams of their work being valued by someone other than their mother. My guest for this post is the best-selling author of...
by gayemack | Jun 16, 2014 | Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
For some time now there’s been a lot of energetic busyness and pressure for change going on in the heavens especially with the Grand Squares involving four planets in December, April and now mid-June. Added to this, there have been and are, on-going ‘T-Squares’...
by gayemack | Jan 19, 2013 | Edward Bach Flower Remedies, Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
Very recently a Facebook ‘friend’ of mine lamented her resistance to change which got me wondering, how many of us can really come clean with such a freely offered revelation concerning a facet of ourselves? This said, I applaud her honesty and at the same time as...
by gayemack | Jan 11, 2013 | Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
Today’s New Moon lands in Capricorn, the sign of Sea-Goat; a perfect placement for the beginning of a new year! Capricorn’s evolutionary goal in this life is to attain internal approval through public roles that reflect personal values, interests and...
by gayemack | Jun 25, 2012 | Writer's Work and History's Mysteries
After five months of pure slog, Saturn, the ‘old Devil’, the task master in everyone’s chart, has finally finished his retrograde motion, Stationing Direct as of today. When Saturn turns retrograde, his energy commands us to review, rethink and...