by gayemack | Jul 31, 2012 | Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
About a year ago, I posted a blog about one of my most favorite places in England, Glastonbury Abbey, the site of Britain’s earliest devotion to Christianity. In that blog I mentioned Glastonbury’s famous Tor only in passing. The truth is that in...
by gayemack | Jul 26, 2012 | Edward Bach Flower Remedies, Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
On July 22nd, the summer sun left the quiet, nurturing sign of Cancer, and roared into the fire sign of Leo. No doubt about it, nothing is quiet about this sign. Jupiter may be the king of planets, but Leo is royalty in the zodiac and like royalty, all things are...
by gayemack | Jul 16, 2012 | Writer's Work and History's Mysteries
The Great Fire of 1184, which all but destroyed Britain’s oldest site of Christianity, Glastonbury Abbey, is legendary. For 900 years, myth and speculation have flourished as to the cause of this catastrophic event. The majority speculation put forth by historians...
by gayemack | Jun 29, 2012 | Edward Bach Flower Remedies, Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
While it may seem that there’s overkill chat regarding the Pluto/Uranus square and the first of seven exact hits this past Sunday, the reality is… not really. Or, put another way to coin a phrase, ‘it’s never enough’. Globally and on all levels, all of us are going...
by gayemack | Jun 25, 2012 | Writer's Work and History's Mysteries
After five months of pure slog, Saturn, the ‘old Devil’, the task master in everyone’s chart, has finally finished his retrograde motion, Stationing Direct as of today. When Saturn turns retrograde, his energy commands us to review, rethink and...