by gayemack | Mar 22, 2012 | Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and being a ‘cardinal’ sign, it portends beginnings as do ‘new moons’… igniting new beginnings, new ideas…new directions—blast off! This particular new moon, which arrived today, March 22nd at 9:38 a.m. Chicago time, came in with...
by gayemack | Feb 11, 2012 | Edward Bach Flower Remedies, Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
If you’re wondering why particular aspects(not to use a pun) of your life have slowed down recently, it very well could be related to the warrior planet Mars’, biennial shift in motion. On January 23rd Mars turned ‘retrograde’ and will not...
by gayemack | Feb 7, 2012 | Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
Admittedly, it has been almost two months since I last blogged…definitely a faux-pah in the eyes of the blogging police. However, I have a good excuse for this temporary absence…at least in my mind and it falls into the category of ‘there are...
by gayemack | Dec 9, 2011 | Edward Bach Flower Remedies, Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
While we’re decking the halls with holly, it goes without saying that the holidays are always stressful, no matter how much we look forward to them and want to enjoy them. Aside from Mercury going direct on Tuesday after its approximate three week retrograde, the...
by gayemack | Nov 28, 2011 | Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
As I wrote in my last posting, Thanksgiving was framed by a new moon solar eclipse in fiery Sagittarius at 2 degrees. Those (including astrologers) who subscribe to the belief that eclipse energy triggers change, solar eclipses open new doors diverting us onto a...