by gayemack | Aug 2, 2015 | Writer's Work and History's Mysteries
Even though it’s been nearly 800 years since the massive fire at Montségur when over 200 Cathars were exterminated at the hands of the Catholic Church, legends surrounding the Cathar Treasure remain. Through the years treasure seekers and speculators have...
by gayemack | Jul 7, 2014 | Writer's Work and History's Mysteries
This post is a departure from what you might be expecting, as I’ve been I have been tagged by fellow English Historical Fiction author, Mark Patton, to take part in a “Main Characters” blog hop. The concept of ‘blog hops’ between authors...
by gayemack | May 27, 2014 | Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
The field of astrology has grown tremendously over the years, slowly reclaiming the respect it had with the ancients. Practiced and followed authentically, areas of specializations in this field especially Evolutionary Astrology, can be used as helpful tools to...
by gayemack | Apr 13, 2014 | Karmic and Self-Discovery Astrology
A recent article by Edward Snow sheds an ‘interesting’ light upon the high, spiritual value in which astrologers were held by medieval Rome. Sadly however, ignorance, fear and religious control issues proved to be the death knell for this sacred science....
by gayemack | Mar 12, 2014 | Writer's Work and History's Mysteries
The Great Fire of 1184, which all but destroyed Britain’s oldest site of Christianity,Glastonbury Abbey, is legendary. For 900 years, myth and speculation have flourished as to the cause of this catastrophic event. The majority speculation put forth by historians...